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German WW1 1910 Visor Cap - Officer - Collectors Grade

SKU#: 69-803257
Price: $147.00


German WW1 1910 Visor Cap - Officer - Collectors Grade. This cap is a reproduction of the Prussian 1910 Officer's Walking out model. Officer's caps during the first world war had Vulkan fiber visors. Includes the correct metal cockades, one for the Prussian State and one for the German Reich.

Our Collectors Grade Army Visor Caps are the top of the line WWI collector hats on the market. These caps are available with thick wool tops in correct field grey color with wool cap bands. These premium quality WWI caps feature our best quality insignia with grey cotton linings printed with original Lubstein logos.

Marked in German sizes and corresponding US hat sizes.
Sizes: 56 (US size 7), 57 (US size 7-1/8), 58 (US size 7-1/4), 59 (US size 7-3/8), 60 (US size 7-1/2) 61 (US size 7 5/8).

* Field-grey Wool Tops
* Red Wool Cap Bands
* Red Piping Infantry
* Grey Cotton Linings
* Correct Metal Cockades
* Vulcan Fiber Visor

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