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Medieval Sword Belt - 14th to 15th Centuries

SKU#: AH-4330BR
Price: $41.95


Medieval Sword Belt - 14th to 15th Centuries - Brown Leather. Every warrior needs a good reliable means to properly carry their medieval sword. This model is designed to suit the needs of both 14th and 15th century style broad swords. All leather construction, the belt is long enough to be tied in front and comes with a sturdy buckle. Two adjustable buckled leather straps (not pictured) extend down from the belt to attach directly to a sword scabbard or can be looped through rings on a sword scabbard.

* Medieval Styled Sword Belt
* Made from Quality Leather
* Fits 14th and 15 Century Medieval Swords
* Sturdy Buckle

Sword, Scabbard and other items sold separately.

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