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Azog The Defiler War Mace - Hobbit Movie

SKU#: 134-UC3015
Price: $430.00


Azog, thought to have been destroyed in the great battle between Dwarves and Orcs by Throin Oakenshield, Azog the Defiler has returned once more, and will stop at nothing to hunt down and destroy every last dwarf of the company of Thorin Oakenshield.

Azog’s wields this war mace as his primary weapon. This Mace, a primitive and brutal weapon, is constructed of wood, leather, cord, and  forged steel. Based on the prop and models used for the film this is a fine replica. Crafted with precise attention to detailing the mace is made from polyresin reinforced with steel. It includes a poly stone wall mount featuring a graphic motif of Azog's tattoo and scars.


• Finley crafted of steel-reinforced poly-resin
• Includes a poly stone wall mount
• Comes with Certificate of Authenticity
• Mace Head 12 13/16 inches
• Overall Length 40 inches

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