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Basic Medieval Crossbow

SKU#: AH-5102
Price: $236.95


Our fully functional Basic Medieval Crossbow can be set by hand with no need for a windlass or cranking mechanism. Introduced from the East during the Crusades, crossbows were initially outlawed by religious leaders who considered them to be inappropriate for Christian warfare, but their effectiveness in battle soon prevailed over theological concerns. Crossbows, used in war until the 17th century, are still used for sport today.

This working Medieval Crossbow has a hardwood stock and a steel prod. The bow irons, nut and trigger are crafted from steel. Three wooden crossbow bolts with blackened steel heads are included.

The crossbow can be spanned by hand, but it can be made much easier by using a belt hook (not included) It has about a 80 lb. draw.

Overall Length: 34-1/4 inches
Span of Prod: 30 inches
Length of Bolt: 12 3/8 inches
Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

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