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Roman Scutum - Standard Size

SKU#: AH-3853-L
Price: $209.99


The Scutum was carried by Roman soldiers from 100 A.D. onward. These large size Roman shields have a large Brass Boss for hand protection. The core of our Roman Shield is made from poplar wood, tightly covered in linen, and hand painted. (42" x 33") Weight is 10 bls 10 oz. 

As seen in Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Please Note: The shield ships with the shield boss unmounted, so some assembly is required. Mounting hardware is included. The hue of the shield colors can vary.

Please Note: it is common for this item to have patination on the brass shield rim and shield boss – it can be cleaned to a bright sheen with polishing paste and scuff pads.

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(5.00)stars out of 5
# of Ratings: 1
1. on 11/3/2019, said:
5 stars out of 5
I would like to buy that sheild
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