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Olympic 6MM Blank Firing Revolver

SKU#: 24-38-150
Price: $34.00


Olympic 6 millimeter Blank Firing Revolver. This replica .38 Detective Snub style revolver is an ideal starter pistol with working single and double action. The swing out cylinder holds eight .22 crimp, 6 millimeter blanks. This model comes assembled with either wood or composite grips.

You must be 18 years old to purchase this product and 21 to sign for the package upon delivery. Please refer to safety guidelines prior to use. It is the customer's responsibility to check all local laws pertaining to an item before you place your order. This is an ideal blank gun for theatrical, movie, or reenactment purposes. Ammo sold separately.

Length: 6.25”
Weight:.85 lbs
Barrel: 1.5"       
Caliber: 6mm
Ammunition: .22 Cal Crimp Blanks
Vent: Top Firing

Cannot be shipped to CT, DC, IL (Chicago, Aurora), KS (Topeka), MD, MN, NJ, NY, PA, PR, RI, WI.
Cannot be shipped outside of the USA.


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