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Arkansas Bowie Knife

SKU#: AH-3153
Price: $38.95


The Arkansas Bowie has a blade forged from unsharpened high carbon steel; the guard and pommel cap are brass and the grip is carved from wood. The sheath is of stitched leather.

Overall Length: 17 3/4''
Blade Length: 11 7/8''
Weight: 1 lb 5.3 oz
Edge: Unsharpened
Width: 44.4 mm - 49.3 mm
Thickness: 5.7 mm - 3 mm
Pommel: Peened
P.O.B.: 2 3/4''
Grip Length: 4 3/4''
Blade: [EN45 High Carbon Steel]
Type: Bowie Knife
Class: Battle Ready
Culture: American Civil War
Manufacturer: Deepeeka

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